Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Cute song

I heard and i like it.
I think i will go to africa one day.
But then i want to go to hong kong this year.

Dreams are movie trailers to me.
The things i see i do not fully understand,
The scenes are misleading,
I will not fully understand until it happens,
Sometimes i tend to guess.
Sometimes i just let it pass.
Often, i recall and try to comprehend the purpose of these trailers.

It happens to everyone else. Very often we wake up and when the day starts, we can't remember what our dreams were.
Perhaps it doesn't matter whether or not we can recall.

But there are come scenes that comes back and forth
and i like watching them in 3d or even 4d!
I am literally inside these movie trailers.

I love to know that i can leap very far.. at least 10 metres, and sometimes grow wings on my back and fly. This will certainly be a very addictive game. But then, knowing that nothing here last(perhaps as long as i am asleep), i do not hold on to it as if it is eternal.
Thinking back as i am typing, i know that nothing on earth last too(perhaps as long as i am awake/alive).

Why then are we more aware when we are awake?
The difference between dreams and reality is the effort to create.
In fact everything seems to come to me, i can adapt to it or i can create a change.
In reality, the changes abides by the laws of science.
In dreams, the changes we can create are unknown.

If God allows me to abandon my nightmares to realise i am actually safe on bed in the real world, it is a real encouragement that whatever living nightmares that we go through will wake us up to the hands of our God... Only if we were resting in his arms in the first place. If we were sleeping and rolling around the edges of cliffs, i am certain we will not wake up alive, but more dead than the nightmare wants us dead.

Good sleep gives me a chance to repair my broken body.
Living another day gives me a chance to repair my broken relationship with God.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Miss this student

I have a student from south africa, she is the best student i ever had. Did extra homework and pushed herself to excel in whatever was given. I was inspired and i know i would want to be this same kind of student that would make a teacher so happy.

We had supper at the dim sum shop beside Mac.

Deep impression.

Saturday, January 23, 2010


It is a wonderful thing to hear the simple laughter of seemingly innocent kids. It is wonderful to see them smile and look at you with teary puppy eyes.

(I remember when i was 9 years old, sticking chewing gum on the back my hair and hugging the strong thighs of my dad crying for help. 10 years old I pushed my brother to smash a window pane. 11 years old fractured my right arm. 13 years old pierced deep into my thumb joint with a pair of scissors. 14 years old knocked the back of my head so hard i saw flashes of memory. 18 years old cracked a youth pastor's rib accidentally. 19 years bitten by a swarm of hornets.)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


I want to be the blue in the sky, goes by life unnoticed until the storm blows me away.

And i want to be the blue in the rainbow, where the company of green and indigo assures me that the storm will pass.

And I will be the blue in the beautiful sea, where the blue i wanted to be, i will be.

Sudden realisation

Will the 9 years old i was look up to me.. and say,

"I wanna be just like you!"

I woke up and saw in the mirror a reflection of myself when i was 9 years old,
The boy looks just as blank as a piece of paper,

"Why are you here?" he asked.

And then memories cast a vivid hologram right in front of me.
Why have these pictures of my ambition lost its light?

I want to be the blue in the sky, goes by life unnoticed until the storm blows me away.
And i want to be the blue in the rainbow, where the company of green and indigo assures me that the storm will pass.
And I will be the blue in the beautiful sea, where the blue i wanted to be, i will be.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Tuesday with Harry

I like the name, harry.
Anyway today was really wonderful.
But there is a voice from God that i can't forget!
The word is, "you need a plan"

No matter it is me or God, either way i need a plan.
I have heard it is foolish to plan and fantasize about tml when we have no idea about whether we will still live tml.
But it is a whimp to live on a string. Nothing to come, nothing to lose. Nothing to fight for, nothing to die for. Nothing to dream, nothing to discourage. This i call no life.

I need a plan


Today is Tuesday.
I sold my drum oficially for 580.
I got my cheque officially for 100.
I got my ippt silver officially for 200.

I want to Thank God for providing me a healthy body and healthy mind.

I bought King's walls ice cream with oreo cookies and a Neapolitan ice cream at 10dollars exactly as a treat for Elim, Kenny and Yee kei.

I am turning into a boring geek.

God is very good today, he put a rainbow in front of my eyes that grew bigger and bigger in the sky. I am sure it is not hallucination. It is very big and it is 50times the size of an apache i see in the sky. Very beautiful.

Sunday, January 10, 2010


time translates itself in random ways,
Therefore a language that we can comprehend(or read) but can't seem to understand.

There is a tempo
A fast travelling car is fast, a driver in the car is slow but he is as fast as the car can get. His heart thumps an average of 80, maybe 120 for the "going to heart attack", but is still locked in time. Engines spins as fast as 100km worth of revolution per hour. Still locked in time.

And the tempo is not 60bpm
Why is a day divided into so many subdivisions(24 hours a day) and y does it lock in so precisely?
If a full day were in measures(in musical terms) there would be exactly 21600 bars of 4/4(time signature) at 60bpm. Every single bar takes up 4 seconds. Then again it says nothing, i am just coming up with another rule to define time which in itself is fixed.
I can call a goldfish Bob, or Peter or even Ken but it never changes the fact that it is still a goldfish, at most it might change the perception of Bob if you had a friend by the name of Bob. Or even better, you might relate Bob with that goldfish.
In the same way, a day is named and 24 subdivisions called hours are given. smaller divisions into 60(called minutes) are given, even smaller divisions of 60ths(called seconds) are given.
and Why this way, perhaps there is no need for a reason.
I have a clock ticking in 240bpm just by my bed. And it is working the same.

By certain science fiction deduction, if we were to group time into more parcels, instead of having 24 hours a day.. we would have 48 "hours" a day running about a 24th major division clock, with still 5 units between each major division. Simply to say, my imagined 2 seconds is your 1 second. If i were given more parcels of time, would i feel like i have more time to spare in a day. Will our senses be more active to get more things done or will we give ourselves more "time" for normal activities.

I played(drums) slower when i play slow rock and i played faster when i play fast rock. One operates in 75, the latter in 120. I generally felt comfortable in both. My hands moved faster, and I think ahead faster. I might even have breathed a little faster. And i don't mean that i cut short the amount of time i have. I had more.

This has little to do with the universe
It is my perception that changed. The earth spins just as fast no matter how fast i move or react.
But i might think the earth spins twice as slow now.

Nothing changed. Stop reading if anyone is(now).
I am on a automated treadmill. I can only go forward while everything else revolves and decay.
God is real and everything has been planned even before i see it happen. It has been planned but it is not set. And i do not know the entire plan but i know whatever incident that has happened. Thats the interesting part i like. And if it is true, there is no reason for me to go back to where i was. It is set. What i can change is what is not yet set, not yet seen.

Sometimes watching a movie that we have watched before is fun even if we know what is to come. We often get nothing more out of the story. But if following through the process is fun, then it is the whole process that we need to revive to experience. If i had a device that could capture a beautiful moment in time.. all the spaces, lights, sound, smell and even my own physical condition and store it up, i would be time travelling and bringing my friends to the same "moments" that i treasure. And it will not be hard if we could start now. And it would really not be hard if it operates from our memory and recreates in our memory. A reason to live a dream. But not too long. Precious moments that might happen might just be lost as you tour another person's moment.

Dreaming away is me.


First thing(collective of things) gone.

As i say, as we grow old some things that seem really important to us don't seem as important now.
But it is impossible to deny that i will miss it.

Thats for $580.

Too bad if you missed this good deal.
Not to say it is cheap, but i mean.. it has the sweat and blood of a once passionate drummer who thought he could make a mark in history with mere drums. Gone are the days.

Friday, January 08, 2010

Nothing matters

It is all part of growing up when the things in life that were really crucial actually do not seem that important now.

And when the things that I take for granted were actually the only things that matters.

Take drumming for example, everyone wants to be the best that they can ever be (this was what i thought). And wants to be heard whenever they can be.
But the true essence of enjoying drumming to the point where the act of hitting something arouses a certain kind of joy that is too pure to believe it is true, is in fact Profound.

Everyone has first love, and this love carries them through a period of grinding and pounding(sometimes physical.. oh no.. sounds wrong. Wad i mean is trials) After all these hardships, we find ourselves beatened. Forcing a contented smile out of all the pain. But the growth that we experienced always seems far less than what it actually is. It is here where i give my respect to the ones who actually renew their love on the basis of pure enjoyment.

Oh man.. I don't mean it anyway dirty.. but what i had in mind was really a great enlightenment, i wished i could connect my brain to a good writer. This is a big chapter in my life.