Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Harp music = good sleep
Opera = *faints

I miss u.

But the pressure. Excuses i give.

Should i go back... i get phone calls to expect a burden coming my way...
old bills old taxes old accounts. Fear to pick up.

God i need u.
Should i go back?
But i do not find you.
I try to seek you,
but still i do not find you.

Hello! hello! hello hello! it is an empty street with no signboards, i m lost and cold. The atmosphere is chilly. hello.....)))))))))

maybe i didn't worry but i did.. every moment, i ponder the possibility of returning... i shudder. With every passing week, every passing service.
Guilt is born, faith is killed... perhaps a few friends will do good.. perhaps i am not a good friend myself.

Perhaps i m forgottened which i do not doubt so.. regarding the matters of doing the church. Rules, laws.. love?
Perhaps it was better without me.. hush... silence.
Perhaps all hopes of my return might have been lost, so why bother. Y bother.
And yes, my faith can't be built with too much worries...


A smile cleans all bad memories away.

No wonder my memory is getting worse.. :)




Sunday, August 15, 2010


Practice, practice, practice, practice
Read, read, read, read
eat, eat, eat,