Saturday, July 07, 2007

How to get Rich? NONSENSE!!!

I am having some disagreements with the DESIRE to get any richer. Simply say it," I Do not WANT to stay rich((define:having surplus to feed 1000 families)) if i were rich."

Me being too ignorant to be considered a thinking man once asked my fren,"So what are these BIG people under this capital system striving for? BIG companies competing against one another to produce better products at the lowest cost... Exploiting the poor in sweatshops."

My fren," Imagine if one company decides to give proper wages to the slaves, of course the cost of production will increase. And the price of the product will increase. Will you buy a shoe of same quality for $50 or $500? Of course tat company will not survive. Makes sense. Yes."

So in this case i see it is not the fault of the People working under this system... the fault lies solely in the system.

I was thinking how can a man be so cruel as to earn so much and even want to earn more at the expense of starving others. Simply saying GREED is = HEARTLESS!

As i began to ponder... My mind somehow drew a link... Ministers are earning alot... Tats all i can say before i get chained.

My fren once said," Who on earth will ever think they have too much money!"

I frowned... thinking,"U mean no one ever tot so... i am sure someone, somewhere disagree!"

Wat if someone have this idea. "I will never want to be rich because if i were a rich man, the money will be gone,leaving just enough for me to spend. Gone building schools, given as scholarships, and to provide medical services for the poor in rural regions." ... " I have just enough stomach space to eat one meal. Why save up Trillions of future meals leaving millions else where starving?"

I really pray to the deepest core of my heart... like i have never felt any burden heavier before... that the rich will not be lovers of money, wanting to get richer. But love God and love His ppl who are starving else where.

How true.. the --<>-- is the root of all evil..

--Sigh off...


The world will be ruined by us man if God is not in control.
Thank You God i know you are always there giving hope to the poor and needy.

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