Wednesday, January 07, 2009

The reason behind every dream...

"The pursuit of the change you want to see
and growing to become this special person God made you to be."

To glorify God, i see nothing more important than being the best vessel to be used by Him and to love Him back in return.

Soon i will be back to school.
Holidays has been a great period of change for me, emotionally. I turned stable.
Physically i am fitter, but still skinny.

Thank God i passed my IPPT! Got a silver! Though there is a comment that, "it is your own effort" however, i know this is a gift from God that is easily taken for granted. Thank you my God.

There is this chinese band in NUS called "GE YAO". I joined and then after 1 practice, i disappeared from their sight. Haha. Cuz i was busy with my archi works.. then there wasn't any aircon in the practice room also.
Anyway, i was called back to play a piece composed by one of them, called "wu hou".
It is a smooth Bossa nova piece. So i tried and they agreed with my playing and started to record. The recording process is fun. But i only recorded once.
Firstly, they give me a earphone with the pre recorded guitarist playing. She had played to the metronome.. so i won't need to play to the metronome. Yeah.
Secondly, they say they are going to record this time.
Lastly, i played through it.. not bad.. no major mistakes. I was feeling very excited though. However, i left for my ippt. I had a dream when i was in sec 4, i wanted to be a studio drummer. Well, here is a great experience for me.

Then for church band, i have to confess like that 2nd keyboard player did.. i didn't like to play drums in church. Sorry God, though i have said it so many times but i will confess again. Forgive me for my rebellion and pride, and being so bored at this. I keep forgetting it is you i am playing for.
But, i will change and learn how to make it better instead of complaining how much worse it can get. I will be obedient to your call for now and play to the best to help everyone worship you. The keyboardist has been a great one, the guitarist has been very very nice, the worsipleader has been so powerful, only this drummer hiding behind his drums has been intolerably awful.

I have a band with my friend wee siang(drummer) though. I think it will be up in 3 years time. At least now i have a retreat to the genre i thought is what i have been dreaming of. I have no idea of whether if it is going to work out, only God knows. And the band in Ge yao, which i can go back to my drums in the genre i thought was what i am dreaming of. These 2 non christian bands.
Church band, maybe not as close to me.. But surely we are close to God.

This band. With the purpose: to reach out to young people through the music. Attract them with the music, then the lyrics, then let God do the work in their hearts.
No easy task, no amount of dreaming can make this happen unless action is taken. i am sure no amount of action can make it happen too unless there is prayer.
And i am so so so sure it won't happen if i am alone.

Well anyhow, i have been declaring this very often because i need to get off from the deception of reality that our church music is bad. That means it is really bad.
I declare that our church music is going to sound so great everytime!
Because nothing on Earth sounds better than Praises for God!
So!!! We actually sound really really beautiful to God whenever we play and worship. This includes everyone in church who sings. Or even humms.

No gift meant for a love one
can be better than the gift true from your heart.
No sound made for You
can be more beautiful than the heartbeat of Your own creation.
No matter how far I drift apart,
as long as my heart is still beating,
I will come back to you.

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