Saturday, June 27, 2009

Diary diary,

Mutton goes Yay?! HAHAHA! Really laugh my tears out! HAHAHA!

I love to imagine illogical stuff and then it will seem so funny!
Maybe thats what hits my Funny bone best.
Thankfully the world is logical.. if not, i will be having asthma to catch my breadth laughing.

Chocolate. Peppermint. After 8. No i cannot find. Nevermind, wait till after 8 comes up with something new.

Today's lesson:
Stick trick: Butthead hihat! I GOT it! Left hand butthead: L rr L snare.
Moller technique: left hand semiquaver in groups of 3.. and crash at every group with right hand. Great feeling! I feel like a lefty!
Samba bass: Melodic tom playing... i got that melody finally after these months of wondering what did James and William play.. i didn't dare to ask them play again, but thank God it came stumbling upon me.
THEN Stone's stick control... RRLL rllr LLRR lrrl...
applied it with replacing R with bass kick and hihat going 1/4 notes then 8th notes.
And funk drum groove at 80bpm.. i like this feeling slow!

Today i polished my zildjian again. I hope i am not over polishing.. I am sick in the head. HAHAHA! Actually not polish la.. just putting protective layer over it.
I love her. And this refers to my crash no one else in particular.

I am going to have a relaxed week ahead. I hope to rest well before school starts.

It has been my dream to join jazz band. At least let me play with real life jazz players, enough of playing to Art Blakey records.

Finally i get a chance by James to do a trio drum solo in clark quay, 26 and 27 july.
I don't know but i have a feeling it will be really fun.
James, Jenny and I.
When i first hear of it, my mind wondered to the video of Vinnie, Dave Weckl and Steve Gad trio drum solo... and the dennis, and donno who who drum solo.. but what genre is it going to be, I heard it is "funk".

To Dennis Chambers i listen. To Steve Gad i watch. To Buddy Rich i imitate. To Vinnie Colauita i study. To Dave Weckl i challenge. To the drumsticks i shave wood. To the shoes i sand the soles.

To myself i discipline, reduce my practice hours and go out with friends.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Diary diary,

Today i did recordings of the 4 songs.
I had alot of fun and i thought this is what i did enjoy as a decent work.

Lesson learnt:

There is this important thing about time
1) Bulls eyes
2) Dragging
3) Rushing

One of these 2 styles must be there! I had a song with no.2 "Dragging" style!
I was knocked off! I prayed, God please help me predict the inconsistent amount of drag of the drummer! And God did gave me a good amount of prophecy gift to do most of the Dragging hits bulls eye. Thank you God, i am nothing without you.

I went for band practice and there was this song.. Fantallusion... it is a combination of Disney songs. Sadly the songs all cut half way.. very anti climax... i like it cuz i get the happy feeling when i hear it.
"Part of your world" Is in it too.. but it was only 2 bars!!! Man! Kill the composer!
Nonono.. cannot kill.

I played funk with this bassist, and he did Slap bass and was slapping and popping in 32nds.. i was OO! Big eyes! Never ever saw that in real life b4. Now i see it.. it is really awesome feeling to hear it! I was like.. do it again!

And so it was a friutful day!

Tomorrow i hope to start my practice routine again. I have 1 month left to catch my rhythm scales and to do some hihat esercises.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Diary diary,

Today i learnt 4 songs, i have to record them in studio tomorrow at 12pm.
80% done for each song.
Polished my Zildjian A custom fast crash. I love her pretty much.

Diary, i need a friend who can be there with me. I am feeling lonely.
I don't want to seek in vain to realise there are so many who wants to be cared for as much as i do.

Lessons learnt from the few hours:
Stick twirl to switch to butt on the left hand... It just happens, don't think too much.
Stick twirl right hand.. ( back - down - up ) *needs more practice
Need to improve on reading of score with swing. * tend miss seeing the off beats, look way a few measures in advance.
find some land marks in the score, when reading. * Together LK, RK, R L
Great improvement to inner clock, continue to train with metronome.
Fill- ins.. start on the 2. And end on the 3. * feels funky ( maybe imperfect cadence ) LOL Try not to start on a strong 1. STOP IT!

*Try next time to start on a 2 with a preceeding 1 & not on cymbals.

I am losing many dear friends. I am turning down gatherings. I am a loner.
Only can stare at her from a distance. No i cannot get to her.

I am going for band rehearsal tomorrow at 7pm, i really miss the times with them when i had so much joy. I miss them.
I miss so much of my days i cannot hear the difference btw chord changes and inversions? I want to know them, yet something is sneering at my age. I am 21 going 22. 3 more years b4 something happens to me. What will it be, 25.

I was asleep in my camp, and someone leaned forward and whispered into my ears.. i could feel my strength depleting and i see pitch black and then i feel a tingling sensation in my limbs as i regain back much more strength in those limbs. I remember i am in that drum studio that i have always been. And i was handed a pair of drumsticks... ?! What the heck is happening to this life?

I had a strange growth on my neck. It was really errie.

Sorry diary, i guess i am talking too much about " I " and me.. that i don't have time to hear you say. Please say something.

Anw the pineapple fried rice at hg point was alot, i can't finish it. But still i poured green tea in it and finished it. Yesterday i had ban mian. Hahaha! How random. Maybe i can find a dinner buddy.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Diary diary,

I love to talk to you. But you don't seem to be alive. Well, in fact i realise i am talking to myself.

Army training was tough. And i transcribed a song "Voice of truth".. However i think it is too tough for Crystal Wang, i will look aroung for something easy. "Take it all" as Elim says.. is meaningless. I agree.

I am loosing much feel for "rock".. sometimes it don't speak nothing at all about what the music is speaking. It just nail its way down on 2 and 4 as much as a metronome keeps time.

I am very very drained of rock.


You look really cute when you smile.
no other song pleases my more than just to hear your voice.. .. ...
Rose said to me.
" Treasure me boy, very soon i will leave for good "
" If you happen to miss me... don't. "
Days pass and she turns pale. The last petal dropped.
Seeing roses shivering in the fridge,
Don't miss her who smiled at me.

I live in dreams.
I am living a dream even if i am awake. My mind is not logical, and i know there is no need to be. But here i am sitting in front of my laptop realizing that a conscious man is talking to an empty page, if i were conscious, why do i have to sit on a chair when i can wake up to an unconscious world. Every day i unwillingly continue this "daymare" of a world bound by laws. And find my self waking up at night to a place where things can be what i want them to be.

Oh no.. i am conscious for too long and it is eating into my reality of dreams.

Time to wake up, as i will go on to bed to wake myself up.

and i think i will sleep at 10am.. so here i am.. setting my alarm clock in this dream.

And there is an errie thing about my life, why is this daymare i am experiencing, a delayed alteration of what i have went through in my reality of dreams. People tell me in my dreams that it is Dejavu, but i think not, never trust anyone who talks in a dream, they are not awake.

Elim just said bye to me.. I think she is awake now on bed. Poor thing, she has to go back to sleep by 10am for some MOE thing.

Bye bye. I am going to bed. Daymare is soon over for the day.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Diary diary, i need to focus.

Tomorrow is my reservice day.

Today was a great service, i felt really high in worship.
Even though Elim often warns us it is not the feeling that counts... but,
I just can't help it.. i felt so high. Glory to God!

I practiced my CAGED system taught by jamie on lead guitar,
I focused first on bends
next on hammer-ons
next on pull-offs
next time i must try the rhythmic variations that i have never heard it done on guitar b4. hahaha. Exciting. 9,9,6. with pauses to breathe.

Ok for my drums,
I did a 24ths withs hand only out of the blue without counting..
i think all the exposure to Dennis chambers is sinking into my head.
and now i think of nothing but funky stuff.
hahaha. Dennis chambers, another turn in my drumming life.
Vinnie colaiuta's wonderfully deep vocabulary of rhythms and tempos aside.. back to catch the feel.

So in army i guess i will be training on pillows.. hope my hands will catch up speed.
and ackward myself when i come back to drums.. i heard the feeling will be like this.
You will feel your hands are moving way too ahead of your limbs.

+Transcribe 2 hillsongs praise to teach Crystal Wang.

Hope she like me as a teacher. Hope i am not too strict on her talent which i think is a waste she didn't start earlier. But soon i am sure she is going to surpass her teacher musically with much practice. Hahaha. Of course this teacher is not easy to surpass in terms of speed and coordination. Till the day when drums is like a part of your voice, you will realise, what is moulding you are God given ears to hear great drum voices by the rhythms that comes from within. And these rhythms comes from an input as well as a processed output and the more input and output, the more vocab you will be able to apply.

4 hours of practice a day keeps limbs entanglements away.

6 hours of practice a day keeps dinner away.

8 hours of practice a day keeps all your friends away.

Thursday, June 04, 2009


Am i practicing Satanism?


firstly i did a 9,9,6 that makes 24ths.
Today i tried 6,6,6,6,8 that makes 32nds.

And i am thinking of 6,4,6,4,6,6 in 32nds

To make it easy, i tried 66 bpm till 6pm

6.6.6 is haunting me.

*ear piercing shriek*

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Drums practice records

James' sharing:
Practice session. Focus one element at a time. Ok. 16ths, doubles, crashes, open hi hats.
1. groove, start with something simple. Then add on new ideas. Expand and expand, when you find something nice, practice it.
2. Get a pattern 'A' then move to pattern 'B'.
3. Summarize and write down.

Practice session:
1) Focused on
- 16th notes
- crashes
- bass doubles
- 6,6,6,6,8 in 32nds
- RH, kick (32nds at 100bpm)

Learning pt:
1) 16th notes.. syncopation + different rhythms. applied to snare and bass.
2) off beat crashes
3) add double before 1, 2 , 3 or 4.. or any combination to prepare to go into
32nds fills.
4) snare floor tom.. 1 & 2 & (3)rlrlkk rlk rL(4) Crash
5) hand foot 100bpm 32nds (use the right extreme side of the sole to do off beats.. and use french grip on the on beat hand.. the nerves seems more agile at this way of holding)
6) jazz rhythm.. 3,3,2 counting the hi hat.. and bass on the 2 of every 1 & 2 &


I will be using the last few breaths of my youth to push the limit. I know when i reach 30.. it will never be the same again.

God thank you for growing my nerves at this speed which i see is incredible for a 22 years old. Thank you so much!