Wednesday, March 31, 2010

In Christ- Thoughts.

Human consciousness
I am really quite in disgust at some philosophies about human consciousness.
They are nothing but big ideas.

Matter is but frequencies
The things we see or hear or even touch are just electrical signals transmitting in our brain. They are not really there. I am most in DISGUST with this idea! I will prove that it is there by smashing some of their grey matter.

There is a creator as all theories suggest, while some suggest the creator as "I" or "me"
Anyway, there is a Creator.
I will call him God.
Suppose He created consciousness, the sense of realising "I" as a person and having higher thoughts.
And we being humans ask ourselves, " Are we conscious or are we in a long dream? if we die will we wake up to another life? "
And the answer lies in no one but the creator.

Now Jesus,
being God(creator) and fully man,
his consciousness must be crystal clear, for he knows what is the will of this creator.
In fact, he doesn't bother the question of Consciousness for He already know what is to come after death.

Why then did Jesus have to be created? To follow the Word of God and fulfill it.
To atone for our sins. Why in human form then? Y not a sheep?

To give an example of the perfect way of living as human being.
So We humans can't live more perfectly than to live in the ways of God. According to the word.
How then?
First as a Christian, i believe God has sent his spirit in us. So, just as Jesus had the Clear will of the Father, like there is a 24-7 broadband with God, we must believe that the thought we are having will be assisted by his spirit too.
So we will have the same connection.
How then do we recognise it?
Surely there are some undesirable adware..or trojan horse. LOL! Satan i mean.
Well, He said my sheep hear my voice.
I would think that just like i can recognise the voice of my mommy,
with constant exposure and recognition, we would be able to tell apart our thoughts.
Are they the thoughts from God?

Elim says, "So you think you could have figured it out all by yourself?"
I replied, " LOL! So you think my nut head bla bla bla.."
i can't remb, and it doesn't matter.
Any way, yes i believe that God is speaking and answering us through thoughts, and yes, my nut head wouldn't have figured all these out.
God answered me these when i asked this question on MRT
"How does God respond?"
Now is praying still a one sided clattering to brick wall? LOL! NO!
I really hope i knew this earlier.

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