Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Monday, April 26, 2010
Sunday, April 25, 2010
.-.. --- .-. -.. .. -. . . -.. -.-- --- ..-
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Saturday, April 24, 2010
.. -- ..- ... - -.-. --- -. ..-. . ... ...
.. ` -- ..- ... - ` -.-. --- -. ..-. . ... ... ` .. ` ..-. . . .-.. ` .-.. .. -.- . `
.- ` -- --- -. ... - . .-. ` .-.-.-
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--- .... -. ---
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.--- .. .- -..- .. -. --.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
.-. . ... . .- .-. -.-. ....
.. ` ... .- .-- ` - .... .. ... ` .-- . -... ` ... .. - . ` .-.-.- `
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. -. .--- --- -.--
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
.--- .- -- -- .. -. --.
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Tuesday, April 20, 2010
So who is she?
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. .- -.-. ....` --- - .... . .-.` .-.-.-`
Monday, April 19, 2010
I have decided to include the date for efficiency of tracking.
Mrs Samuel
Today in my dream i was suppose to attend a wedding party of my cousin,
but then i was wearing slippers and shorts.. and i rushed down trying not to run..
I realised i was very poorly dressed, and my shirt was stained, so i decided to run home to change.
I took a sbs bus, and then when i was standing at a corner, i saw an indian lady speaking in China accented english, amazing! She was talking with her daughter over the phone. Then i realised she is my Primary 6 teacher Mrs Samuel.
Some random Man in formal light bluish green shirt then approached her and asked her about secrets of teaching.
Mrs Samuel then told him about the Principles of Japanese discipline, then she spoke some japanese, and she also said it has worked on many of her students who were really successful after graduation from PSLE.
I was about thinking of my way of life, has it been a good example in her case?
I am an example of her student, I thought in my heart:" i was one of your best student Mrs Samuel."
I forgot all about the wedding, i went straight home and there were many children and i remembered i played with them.. run around the house.
There is a trend in my dreams these few days where it is all about teacher and students. I suppose it is because i am thinking about studying most of my conscious moment.
I am able to remember more things with association now and it is my goal to
1)have my memory calander schedule clearly mapped out and edited as and when i like
2)phone numbers appearing when i need them.
3)memorise one psalm a day
4)memorise one song a day
5)Run memory recall and memory formation simultaneously, consciously and also subconsciously
6)Most important, these memories must relate to an eternal time frame, God and people around me.
Mrs Samuel
Today in my dream i was suppose to attend a wedding party of my cousin,
but then i was wearing slippers and shorts.. and i rushed down trying not to run..
I realised i was very poorly dressed, and my shirt was stained, so i decided to run home to change.
I took a sbs bus, and then when i was standing at a corner, i saw an indian lady speaking in China accented english, amazing! She was talking with her daughter over the phone. Then i realised she is my Primary 6 teacher Mrs Samuel.
Some random Man in formal light bluish green shirt then approached her and asked her about secrets of teaching.
Mrs Samuel then told him about the Principles of Japanese discipline, then she spoke some japanese, and she also said it has worked on many of her students who were really successful after graduation from PSLE.
I was about thinking of my way of life, has it been a good example in her case?
I am an example of her student, I thought in my heart:" i was one of your best student Mrs Samuel."
I forgot all about the wedding, i went straight home and there were many children and i remembered i played with them.. run around the house.
There is a trend in my dreams these few days where it is all about teacher and students. I suppose it is because i am thinking about studying most of my conscious moment.
I am able to remember more things with association now and it is my goal to
1)have my memory calander schedule clearly mapped out and edited as and when i like
2)phone numbers appearing when i need them.
3)memorise one psalm a day
4)memorise one song a day
5)Run memory recall and memory formation simultaneously, consciously and also subconsciously
6)Most important, these memories must relate to an eternal time frame, God and people around me.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Memory II
"Life is more than just b/w; +/-"
These are the words on kenny's zebra print shirt. LOL!
Today. My head has been surging with blood. I feel like i need to memorise many things, my head is too empty for my age. Yet, there is nothing in life worth remembering for any good when you pass away.
Perhaps the sermon will do some good.
1) Faith
2) Purity
4) Power
3) perseverence
Kenny was supposed to read Mark 7: 24-30 but he lost the page. LOL!
Pastor's testaments:
1) George Müller: Pray for food for orphanage and got bread and milk.
2) Went to hong kong and received HK and usd.. (confidential amount in case she get robbed)
3) Abraham(75 years old) waited 25years old to get Issac. I jokingly said he waited 400 years Hahaha, but i think it wasn't a good joke. Kenny got it. Jarryl asked:" How to remember!?" Cough cough cough.
Mark 11:22
"Have faith in God," Jesus answered. 23"I tell you the truth, if anyone says to this mountain, 'Go, throw yourself into the sea,' and does not doubt in his heart but believes that what he says will happen, it will be done for him.
Jude 1:20
But you, dear friends, build yourselves up in your most holy faith and pray in the Holy Spirit.
Luke 18:1
Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up.
Roman 10:17
Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ. ( i read this in another version: Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God )
Matthew 6:14
For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. 15But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins. (Elim read this after mine)
The things that happen after that are too mundane to be of importance to me.
But still i took effort to remember them.
Don't take notes anymore pls, Just take a little more effort. But beware you will grow thinner when your brain uses more calories.
Seriously the money changer looked like the man on malaysia note.
and the no. 10 for matcha lattae and no.13 for wasabae milk shake, and apple strudel.
2 singapore stamp with 65 cents. perhaps, 15.35 for hsbc. what is AXS? 11.50 for the taxi with tiny tv. Aron kwok. I know i need to do something important now.
These are the words on kenny's zebra print shirt. LOL!
Today. My head has been surging with blood. I feel like i need to memorise many things, my head is too empty for my age. Yet, there is nothing in life worth remembering for any good when you pass away.
Perhaps the sermon will do some good.
1) Faith
2) Purity
4) Power
3) perseverence
Kenny was supposed to read Mark 7: 24-30 but he lost the page. LOL!
Pastor's testaments:
1) George Müller: Pray for food for orphanage and got bread and milk.
2) Went to hong kong and received HK and usd.. (confidential amount in case she get robbed)
3) Abraham(75 years old) waited 25years old to get Issac. I jokingly said he waited 400 years Hahaha, but i think it wasn't a good joke. Kenny got it. Jarryl asked:" How to remember!?" Cough cough cough.
Mark 11:22
"Have faith in God," Jesus answered. 23"I tell you the truth, if anyone says to this mountain, 'Go, throw yourself into the sea,' and does not doubt in his heart but believes that what he says will happen, it will be done for him.
Jude 1:20
But you, dear friends, build yourselves up in your most holy faith and pray in the Holy Spirit.
Luke 18:1
Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up.
Roman 10:17
Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ. ( i read this in another version: Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God )
Matthew 6:14
For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. 15But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins. (Elim read this after mine)
The things that happen after that are too mundane to be of importance to me.
But still i took effort to remember them.
Don't take notes anymore pls, Just take a little more effort. But beware you will grow thinner when your brain uses more calories.
Seriously the money changer looked like the man on malaysia note.
and the no. 10 for matcha lattae and no.13 for wasabae milk shake, and apple strudel.
2 singapore stamp with 65 cents. perhaps, 15.35 for hsbc. what is AXS? 11.50 for the taxi with tiny tv. Aron kwok. I know i need to do something important now.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
D007 analysis + Dejavu
Quote: "Have no idea, 25 may it was written down on a paper, something i thought was important."
Today i have learnt, Pastor lau is going back to Hong Kong on 25 May.
Nope i have yet to write anything about 25 may.
I was memorising chords in Elim's house, many many chords. That was a dejavu.
Quote: "Have no idea, 25 may it was written down on a paper, something i thought was important."
Today i have learnt, Pastor lau is going back to Hong Kong on 25 May.
Nope i have yet to write anything about 25 may.
I was memorising chords in Elim's house, many many chords. That was a dejavu.
In case i might forget. D008=Dream report no. 8
I was slowly able to remember at least 2 of my dream today from my REM sleep where it was scientifically to be reported as an average of 3 REM sleep per night.
Zombie killing game.
I was playing a zombie creating game where zombies are created to destroy a city, I know i was in front of a computer screen and i had almost done all the levels until the last level. I went around and found a zombie bull, brown in colour. I commanded the bull around but i could not see anyone, until i saw a person and heck it to death. Then i moved on and i saw 3 green figures and i know it is another enemy territory, yet i went ahead.. there goes the game..the end.
Teacher in secondary school
I was holding a marker, and i asked a secondary school boy to draw an "x" on the white board. Then i got a pile of blue tack and was molding it into an arrowhead. Now i know that boy has to hold that arrow head and throw it at the "X" on the white board... it is a tiny "x" he drew.. LOL.. HE deserved it.
Then i went back to meet the group of 5-6 secondary school students who were under me. It was then did i realised i was wearing a really smart suit, creamy white in colour. And the students were dressed in white shirt and green bottoms.
Then there were many other teachers, I recognise every one of them, they were all my secondary school friends. One of them was Shi Jie, He tickled me and then we had a friendly tussle, Lol, it was such a nostalgic moment cuz i know i am around 25-27 and that was my stable job and he was my colleague. I saw sharon too, She looked really young and she just smiled at me.
Then come the time for the students to draw something at the "x" and the arrow head.
I went to look around.. they were really creative! Some had a fish and i donno what.. And guess what!! My student drew chinese "wei Qi" and he drew some tic tac toe lines and drew some empty circles and some shaded circles.. I was trying to tell him.. "hey Wei qi is supposed to be placed on the intersections of the lines not in the boxes."
I woke up with the alarm.
I was slowly able to remember at least 2 of my dream today from my REM sleep where it was scientifically to be reported as an average of 3 REM sleep per night.
Zombie killing game.
I was playing a zombie creating game where zombies are created to destroy a city, I know i was in front of a computer screen and i had almost done all the levels until the last level. I went around and found a zombie bull, brown in colour. I commanded the bull around but i could not see anyone, until i saw a person and heck it to death. Then i moved on and i saw 3 green figures and i know it is another enemy territory, yet i went ahead.. there goes the game..the end.
Teacher in secondary school
I was holding a marker, and i asked a secondary school boy to draw an "x" on the white board. Then i got a pile of blue tack and was molding it into an arrowhead. Now i know that boy has to hold that arrow head and throw it at the "X" on the white board... it is a tiny "x" he drew.. LOL.. HE deserved it.
Then i went back to meet the group of 5-6 secondary school students who were under me. It was then did i realised i was wearing a really smart suit, creamy white in colour. And the students were dressed in white shirt and green bottoms.
Then there were many other teachers, I recognise every one of them, they were all my secondary school friends. One of them was Shi Jie, He tickled me and then we had a friendly tussle, Lol, it was such a nostalgic moment cuz i know i am around 25-27 and that was my stable job and he was my colleague. I saw sharon too, She looked really young and she just smiled at me.
Then come the time for the students to draw something at the "x" and the arrow head.
I went to look around.. they were really creative! Some had a fish and i donno what.. And guess what!! My student drew chinese "wei Qi" and he drew some tic tac toe lines and drew some empty circles and some shaded circles.. I was trying to tell him.. "hey Wei qi is supposed to be placed on the intersections of the lines not in the boxes."
I woke up with the alarm.
Friday, April 16, 2010
This time it is not easy.
I thought it was 25 april.. but oh no, i am actually in 25 May.
What does this have to do with anything? Have no idea, 25 may it was written down on a paper, something i thought was important.
Then when i watched the mirror, i wasn't surprised that my hair had actually grown shoulder length, curly as usual, but i was amazed cuz i remembered it was really short 2 weeks ago. I looked pretty feminine in long lashes and big eyes, and i was admiring myself in the mirror for a while, i was in casual wear, white t shirt with black strings running down my neck.
Thats all i could remember for today, after which my grandpa fell down and broke the cup, that woke me up.
I thought it was 25 april.. but oh no, i am actually in 25 May.
What does this have to do with anything? Have no idea, 25 may it was written down on a paper, something i thought was important.
Then when i watched the mirror, i wasn't surprised that my hair had actually grown shoulder length, curly as usual, but i was amazed cuz i remembered it was really short 2 weeks ago. I looked pretty feminine in long lashes and big eyes, and i was admiring myself in the mirror for a while, i was in casual wear, white t shirt with black strings running down my neck.
Thats all i could remember for today, after which my grandpa fell down and broke the cup, that woke me up.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Digging into Jim Chapin's techniques for modern drummer book.
And finally after all these years i was able to play 1 page out of the 60+pages.
Now i will aim for the next page.
And finally after all these years i was able to play 1 page out of the 60+pages.
Now i will aim for the next page.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
I fell asleep at 9 30pm. And was reading up on major memory system about remembering numbers.
I was in a class room with around 12 people and my secondary 4 maths teacher miss koh was there, she looked pretty and young. We were doing some questions on the board, and a few students were writing the answers on the white board. I didn't do my homework so i couldn't follow, but then i went on to do the harder questions first.
Then i thought i am a genius, i have not learnt but was able to get answers for the harder questions. I went back to copy and learnt on the spot the answers on the white board, i was figuring out a few digits then Miss Koh wiped away the answers.
One of my army friend Anthony mischievously took away my maths text book and i couldn't see the question. Anthomy was sitting beside me.
I borrowed answers from Jun jian who was sitting in front, We had our answers written in a thick but small A5 exercise book. Jun jian then rush me to return the book to copy the things on board.
Then miss koh was checking around and she didn't see me.
Then Miss Koh gave me an exercise book. I thought it was new. Then i opened up and realised it was the homework i did last year. I got "148" I think.. for the homework. And anthony got "110", Junjian got 128 i think. Really can't remember.
The maths questions we did had numbers only. It was not algebra.
Then i woke up remembering the major memory system and i figured a way to remember with chinese characters instead of complex story lines.
I fell asleep at 9 30pm. And was reading up on major memory system about remembering numbers.
I was in a class room with around 12 people and my secondary 4 maths teacher miss koh was there, she looked pretty and young. We were doing some questions on the board, and a few students were writing the answers on the white board. I didn't do my homework so i couldn't follow, but then i went on to do the harder questions first.
Then i thought i am a genius, i have not learnt but was able to get answers for the harder questions. I went back to copy and learnt on the spot the answers on the white board, i was figuring out a few digits then Miss Koh wiped away the answers.
One of my army friend Anthony mischievously took away my maths text book and i couldn't see the question. Anthomy was sitting beside me.
I borrowed answers from Jun jian who was sitting in front, We had our answers written in a thick but small A5 exercise book. Jun jian then rush me to return the book to copy the things on board.
Then miss koh was checking around and she didn't see me.
Then Miss Koh gave me an exercise book. I thought it was new. Then i opened up and realised it was the homework i did last year. I got "148" I think.. for the homework. And anthony got "110", Junjian got 128 i think. Really can't remember.
The maths questions we did had numbers only. It was not algebra.
Then i woke up remembering the major memory system and i figured a way to remember with chinese characters instead of complex story lines.
This dream was one day ago.
I was somewhere outside with my youngest brother. Then we were fighting.
Then my eldest brother appeared and started to twist my youngest brother's left leg in the most ackward way.. They were both laughing, i shouted "stop!" But then he went on twisting and bending his bone and was looking up to the sky. I was stunned. Then he released. I checked if my youngest brother was ok, He was smiling and his leg was lifeless. I asked him to bend his legs and yes he could do it.. after that i can't recall anything.
I was somewhere outside with my youngest brother. Then we were fighting.
Then my eldest brother appeared and started to twist my youngest brother's left leg in the most ackward way.. They were both laughing, i shouted "stop!" But then he went on twisting and bending his bone and was looking up to the sky. I was stunned. Then he released. I checked if my youngest brother was ok, He was smiling and his leg was lifeless. I asked him to bend his legs and yes he could do it.. after that i can't recall anything.
this dream was 3 days ago.
I was at home when my 3 cousins and their parents came to visit me.
They had a pet horse, white in colour and it was just the size of my thigh.
My 3 cousins, Si Yan, Si qi and Sini. Si qi was extremely anorexic( in reality she is not) really thin and small. I held my left arm to the horse and the horse laid on my arm like a cat and started to have sexual motive. Stunned, i looked at Si qi, but she was busy. Si ni just smiled. Then i woke up.
I was at home when my 3 cousins and their parents came to visit me.
They had a pet horse, white in colour and it was just the size of my thigh.
My 3 cousins, Si Yan, Si qi and Sini. Si qi was extremely anorexic( in reality she is not) really thin and small. I held my left arm to the horse and the horse laid on my arm like a cat and started to have sexual motive. Stunned, i looked at Si qi, but she was busy. Si ni just smiled. Then i woke up.
Thursday, April 08, 2010
Fail to remember my dream although i did dream.
Because when i wake up, i know i have lost the scenes.
My recordings had nothing. Did I snore? That doesn't matter.
Because when i wake up, i know i have lost the scenes.
My recordings had nothing. Did I snore? That doesn't matter.
Music in Talented Kids
I never believed Music was Talent.
Now i see the true meaning of talent.
Talent here i mean:
1) The gift of limbs and good senses
2) The Love for what they do
3) The discipline to practice and perfect techniques and instrument.
It does not mean:
1) The ability to play when you first touch the instrument. Nono.
Everyone learns, and the only secret to talent is a heart that sees no boundaries and is willing to sacrifice time for development of the art.
Tuesday, April 06, 2010
Perhaps i should record the scenes before entering into dreams. It might account for what happens
Preliminary stage
My mind was full of faces, unknown, middle age people around 50 to 60 plus. And then an x ray vision of a man (30 years old) standing, then i painted the man in colours, He was wearing jeans and perhaps red or green shirt. Intention unknown.
Then came Charmaine in her younger self around 18, with those bunned up hair, smiling, she is always smiling.
Then black, i see 2 circular streaks of colours bluish green in darkness.
I started having ideas that if i could spot the moment when i become unconscious, i could try to remember the conditions required for the next stage of deep sleep.
I can't recall anything else before my unconscious state.
I cannot remember the visual details today, whats wrong, perhaps it is very disorientated and too much too remember. Anyway, there was a bass guitar riff that played for around 30seconds,
It was a very funky bass guitar pattern that i hear.
I have decided to have a series of sound recordings, it helps me track the time.
I have countless dreams of myself as a huaman of female orientation and i fell in love with guys.
Well the recent ones were more up realistic where i was of male orientation and i wore a skirt and a white t shirt. It was a horrific sight, I told myself, " What is this!?" Why am i doing this, and the worst of all i got institutionalised in mental hospital after being handcuffed.
The previous dreams before these were more fantasy based.
I was in army camp doing boring work of loading ammunition to trucks. And then i went off to Kathib on a bicycle where it started raining. I was soaked thoroughly. Then i appeared in a forest where i need to travel up a trail... I was blue in colour just like that in Avatar, and there with me a lady, a tiny yellow cat attacked us and the lady got badly bitten by the cat... But i borrowed the stream beside me and healed her wounds with water, Like woverine's self healing powers.
Then i said,"It is not me who heals, it is the one who sent me to heal."
Then a group of about 6 blue people gathered in a circle and i started healing their red wound.
And i sat down in among them and we started singing.. this i can't recall.
In an even earlier dream, I was totally devastated.
I was in a shopping mall, and there i went around with i can't remember who.. Anyway i met JAck and Alex in the washroom on the way to China airways. I went to pee. But strangely i can't seem to pee when i want to pee, or else i won't finish my pee. Because in reality i didn't pee while on my bed. LOL! Terrible feeling. Well i woke up and pee.
If i could remember my next dream, i would be certain i am dreaming every single night that i fall asleep.
Memories never die

It is said that things we seem to have forgotten is actually still in our brains, it is just hidden away from our conscious thoughts.
And i remember asking this lady a question, "Does our memories disappear with us after death?"
She said, "No, go read your bible"
Yes, i went to read and yes, it is true. Read it yourself. We remember things after death.
Separate brain from soul,
Our brain actually holds nothing more than electrified nerves. I can recognise you because i hear your voice, i see you, and i feel you.
FEEL you. This is then the mystery! How then without my physical body after death, without 5 senses recognise people?
Memory is therefore more than the surface of the brain, it is in our souls that we remember.
So why do i need to be more than a normal christian?
Yes, to recognise the creator.
Not by sight, not by hearing, not by touch, but by the mere presence of his gentle spirit.
Tell me you will have eyes connecting to your brain after death? No! Visual sense will be more acute than sight, it will be a very powerful super human sense that can "see" the very soul of man(or once man).
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