Wednesday, April 14, 2010


I fell asleep at 9 30pm. And was reading up on major memory system about remembering numbers.
I was in a class room with around 12 people and my secondary 4 maths teacher miss koh was there, she looked pretty and young. We were doing some questions on the board, and a few students were writing the answers on the white board. I didn't do my homework so i couldn't follow, but then i went on to do the harder questions first.
Then i thought i am a genius, i have not learnt but was able to get answers for the harder questions. I went back to copy and learnt on the spot the answers on the white board, i was figuring out a few digits then Miss Koh wiped away the answers.
One of my army friend Anthony mischievously took away my maths text book and i couldn't see the question. Anthomy was sitting beside me.
I borrowed answers from Jun jian who was sitting in front, We had our answers written in a thick but small A5 exercise book. Jun jian then rush me to return the book to copy the things on board.
Then miss koh was checking around and she didn't see me.
Then Miss Koh gave me an exercise book. I thought it was new. Then i opened up and realised it was the homework i did last year. I got "148" I think.. for the homework. And anthony got "110", Junjian got 128 i think. Really can't remember.

The maths questions we did had numbers only. It was not algebra.
Then i woke up remembering the major memory system and i figured a way to remember with chinese characters instead of complex story lines.

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