Saturday, December 25, 2010

I choose...

Church, 20 old folks, 2 baby boys.
Me? I cant decide my status.
I cant connect wif ppl.
I came and i went telling a lie that i m meeting my frens but looking for an execuse to go.

I went to watch movie n had my dinner.

Tml is sunday service. I really donno should i go.

I m starting to feel outcasted n lonely even though there r humans all around me.

Or i can go gym, then go practice rhythm song.

Which will i choose?!
I wonder have anyone ever felt this feeling of stepping into church bubbly n happy and leaving emo n outcasted n drained. Well then y should i do that?! Lol! I have decided. God lets go gym tml! Me n you. Is tat cool or awesome! Yea! I m sure God will be happy to see me happy instead of lonely and sleepy n wasting my time.

Tats it :) Now i m a happy man :D

I donno if Elim will understand. At least i m doing something constructive to solve my depression. I pat myself. Good job boy, u r growing up.

I miss you. Cuz no one has ever made me laugh like that.
U r the first n prolly the last.

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