Wednesday, December 22, 2010

New fan

I got a new fan. It is white. I like white.

I spent some time asking myself.
So what is it like to like someone?

I really donno.
I like adventures but this one is not easy.
Fear cuz i donno wad i m feeling.
Tonight i got a nice new fan but i cannot sleep.

I got a question i got no answer.

Why people miss others?

I donno. Freaking OUT! Woah!!!

Love laughing... pure happy
Love sharing n feel someone knows
Love being crazy without feeling strange

It makes people happy to have a special friend
but it makes people scared to lose this special friend

Time to be a honest whimp...
I really m scared that a friend might become too special n too hard to lose.

I m really a psychotic whimp with strange Fears.
It is like thinking an apple might explode.
Loving someone might make her explode and no more.
LOL! But i m not laughing today.

confused today.

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