Sunday, December 26, 2010


Instead of heading to old folks church, i went to the gym early in the morning.

I really think at this point of life we need a dream! Big dream!
Then plan a journey to go there. Life will surprise u.

I always wonder what was the dream of a pastor when they were younger? Impact lives? Run a big church? Maybe it is just a calling.

I seldom have calling. People message me most of the time. Maybe God you could have msn? I got a few questions for you. I m interested in you.

Sharlene msn me today.
Sharlene: How are you?
Jiaxing: Good. You?
Sharlene: Good.

Tats all. Maybe she was trying to keep in touch. I appreciate that. :)

Little sheryl is going TKGS... just in case i forget. Psle 240.

Sometimes it is good to have just a few friends that matters. So i wont miss out any.

Of course Jiin... donno where to put her. She is a stranger yet an excellent friend. Maybe for now i will put her as... msn buddy. Workout buddy? Image consultant? LOLz! Personal comedian! Tats for sure! Interesting fren! Female clone!

I suddenly think of roti prata!

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