Monday, December 27, 2010

Daily horoscope

Says again...
Now i know why people don't write their own horoscope.
Because if someone write a horoscope for you...
You can blame others if your life did not turn out as it says.

I shall stop writing my horoscope.

Daily adventures!!
Learn 2 J pop songs, Practice percussion ensemble, Rhythm song, Monster solo, and Go jamming With my dreaded.. nightmare.. seriously i don't want to go.. I will tell them tonight.
In summary : Go out... Play drums... Go home.

I m enlightened!
I should go answer Kena about the module registration and be nice to answering her question. Because she needs help and i am a friend... Cannot ignore a friend.

Yesterday donno is my abs pain or my stomach pain...
Strange pain feeling... maybe i having cramps...

I dreamt i was a girl. LOL!
and guys flirt with me. Now i think of it i think it is an interesting feeling.
The feeling is scary... yet fulfilling cuz you know people admire your youth.
No wonder i have cramps when i wake up.

But then when women grow old... they talk very loud and continuously...
My grandma recently wakes up at 5am everyday and started talking very loudly continuously... In my head... I was counting how long she pause between her words...

Ai yo Ah! Bla bla bla bla bla bla! pause... ( i count 1.. 2...) Ah!! Bla bla blah blah blah!!! pause... (i count 1..) Ah Kong! Blah blah blah!!! ( 1... 2... 3... yeah... stopped) AEY!! AEY! AEY! Blah blah blah!!! ... I kept counting till she finally went out of the house for a daily walk at 6am.

This is a very interesting creature i have in my house... Why do humans want to talk so loud? Maybe because my granddad is half deaf. And why she repeat the same things over and over and over without losing her vigor?
Does this human instinct serve any purpose?
Soon i will realise..
But interestingly, with more words means she use more of her brain... and she is much much healthier than my quiet granddad.

Talking prevents sickness!

HEY!! I think this could be a plausible hypothesis!
Next time i will try to talk more and respond more vigourously.

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