Monday, December 20, 2010

Hi there again! i am back! Whoo!

Hey! I really love to write diaries now.
It is a girl's thing. No, i like it. No one can say i am wrong. No one can say i am weird.
No one can ever tell me bad things!!

First up! Mutant Metabolism! X treme!!!

My family is born with a special talent of mutant metabolism rate!
Imagine a diet like this...
Milk,bread and 2egg white, duck rice, salmon rice, 2 subways and end it with milk and some snacking in between and supper.
5 big healthy meals a day and a supper... tats 6 big healthy meals.
And i am slimming down!!! Incredible!
LOL! This must be a joke! No.
But i feel damn healthy.
I think it is the sleep... sleep early :)

So i have found another talent in me,

Tml is IPPT day!
And yes i am totally going to on full power and tats it... i will certainly drop 2kg after that.
No choice... With great power comes great sacrifice.

How to lose weight?

For those who are looking for a method to slim down...

Eat 3 healthy meals a day and do something that keeps your brain in caffein mode without the use of caffein... like blogging... LOL!

Exercise X treme... not slow jog... just run like escaping from hell for 5 minutes a day.

Hallucinate and Constantly remind yourself that someone is trying to kill you... that will keep your heart pumping fast.

Develop an OCD habit like... washing clothes again after taking them out of the washing machine... Be an extreme perfectionist.

Adopt a nasty baby! Preferbably cry all day.

Be a teacher. The more students under your care the better.

Join a gang. I don't know why but most ah lians are thin.

Ride a turkey.

Marry a poor man. If you are a man... stay poor.

Ok.. sleep baby sleep. Stop craping.

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