Saturday, September 20, 2008

Learning guitar again...

My fingers have been taking a long break. Amazingly they are not getting fat. Just like i am not getting fat even without moving, instead the opposite is happening. I can estimate by the rate my weight drop, i might vanish from earth in 6 months time.

Anyway a long time since i put my tots to words. Lots of things happen. Well my status now is NUS student! I kinda like it, sounds nerdy enuf to suit me.

Architecture was.. CRAZY!(End of story)

I tried to join certain CCA which i like, by rank.. Jazz band, Voices, rock band.. i didn't get into any, for a reason or two.. Jazz band cuz i can't commit my time... it is on saturday i got cell group. Voices cuz i can't sing. Rock i have no idea y! But thank God, this rock guitar band sounds rather satanic.. ask me whether i would play satanic metal songs after knowing i am a christian. I said "NO!" for God's sake. So... ... I ended up in Ge Yao! As a... Drummer?... I don't know i might learn and play bass guitar... then one day i will be able to play for church, more of for God! If He allows me to. *ponders*

So, i am in Ge Yao. A chinese POP band. As a drummer. I wack like never before, and i was rather soft... then i realize, i have to turn up the volume of the electronic drum..-_-!!! I don't like electronic drums though.. what is the meaning of playing electronic drums when drum machines can sound better... there is no.. bond... *sloppishly drag my stick across the rubber heads.* Meaningless... *zzz...*

The practice room is hot like Sauna! Raining sweat is a common phenomenon. Yucks!

Anyway, there is this girl, Jamie. I told her i have been wanting to learn guitar. Well, i said next time when she is free she can give me a few tips. Wow she said... "Why not now!" I was happy. So i stole 1 guitar out of the room! Eventually she got one guitar out too. So she reviewed what i know.. chords, scales, notes on the guitar... ok i know quite something for a self taught guitarist. So she carried on and introduced the CAGED system!!! A mystery i have never solved!!! I was happy finally i am going to know it!

So the CAGED system is revealed.. in less than 15.5 seconds. She show me a EMajor chord.. And then point out the 3 E notes in the chord.. then show me a pentatonic scale derived from it. Tada! I see Light!!! (not that i was going to faint from information overload)I see Light in how to TEAR DOWN the guitar fretboard!!! I said what i need to say.. "COOL!" *wide eyes*. WAHAHA was her reply.

So next she taught me how to bend the string, then a common lick, then a trill using forefinger! Man i have always wanted to do all these tricks! And she commented a common mistake of my pinky finger becoming stiff. WAHAHA was her comment!


Well, Hahaha, I have never in my life hear anyone laugh as loud as her! Cute. Tats just a comment, no futher tots in my heart. Well, i must compliment her patience and powerful guitar teaching skill. I tot only if someone could reveal this 15.5 seconds of secret to me earlier.. anyway i got it.

So when i was on my way home, i derived out all the 5 patterns of the CAGED system on my black sketch book. I sit back and exclaimed!! "God what wonderful systematic brains you gave humans!" This systematic fretboard pattern will be a wonderfu launch pad for creative expression of music.

Anyway, a word about learning... i realise the importance to "learn how to learn". Learn about the ways humans learn and realise your best way. I realise my way was to practice learning more.. Anyway i am curious about so many things and how it works.

Elim once asked me on MRT.. Y you suddenly wanna sing, then guitar, then piano. *I know she might be thinking i am thinking she is thinking i am fickle minded.* Read slowly and get it... don't misunderstand my point. So since i am not fickle minded... i must clarify!

My parents will never get it... Anyway, there is a difference between these 2. A baby playing with an interesting toy and tossing it out of sight forever vs a baby playing with an interesting toy and then then exploring it day after day, leaving it at times when the problem gets unsolved and certainly getting back to it latter on.

Same as my younger brother elploring his cheap binoculars on certain mornings opening it and closing it back... i have no idea what's his problem. It is simple as a binoculars... I look through it.. ok.. 5X view.. so what. Even wanting to tell him not to waste his time. Haha. Anyway i will never konw y is he so curious about binoculars. Up till now he still does it.

So y guitar, y piano, y not just my drums? I don't know what is keeping me so curious about them and i just wanna explore more about them everyday. Sadly, to define it as a passion is too late. Maybe it will be a passion without talent. Its totally fine with me, and i am just exploring what i want to... not exploring because i need to ace the grades.. i can say i am sick of this attitude of learning not for the sake of learning, but for grades and then "good paying jobs". Money money.. money. Hack what ever money. Till the day that i understand why money brings glory... i Hack wat is the purpose of wanting to be rich.
First apologise if i offend any rich people.. but get me point. What i don't like is the "WANT to be rich" attitude... not the rich people. Sometimes, the idea of.."you are what you want to be!" isn't true.. some people are born rich can't help.
I am born rather rich too, well can't help, Thank God for it. And i won't want to be any richer if it means the suffering of others.. poor souls. Haiz... Politics.. if politics were more honest and up front as what they are.
Well, i think i would rather watch disney productions than care anything about politics.
Unless... I have the power to change it.. and what gives me the power in this world? Money! And what i dislike? The "Want to be rich!" So since i won't be rich as i don't want to be.. i hope someone rich do something important. Anyway its ok.. To ease this ugly sight of human greed... including myself... i know just look up.. or maybe look down... close my eyes and know that He knows. More people need to know that when all else fails, He knows.. Well, i hope to share my hope in God with someone who feels hopeless... maybe as hopeless as i feel towards this world.